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Experts on Peer Review in VET (videos)
The national reference point EQAVET in Slovakia (the State Vocational Education Institute which is a project partner) in collaboration with the European Commission organized on 11th of March 2021 on-line peer learning activity named Peer Review – an instrument supporting quality of the VET.
The conference was attended by representatives of the European Commission, EQAVET National Reference Points in EU Member States and others stakeholders interested in this topic.
The European method of peer review is used to ensure and improve the quality of vocational education and training at various levels. More about the peer review method.
The aim of the activity was to inform participants about the use of the method at regional and providers´ level in different Member States, and also to report on the use at the system level which is a novelty for Member States set out in the Recommendation on VET for Sustainable Competitiveness, Social Justice and Resilience (2020).
During the conference a lot of interesting case studies were presented. One of the presenters was Sylvia Liutu (FORMA.Azione) who present the case of development and strenghthening the Peer Review methodology in Italy.
The case of Slovakia was presented by Ľubica Gállová (the State Vocational Education Institute). Also, another successful cases of implementation of Peer Review and experimentation with the methods were presented, concretely the cases of Lithuania (Inga Piusa), Slovenia (Saša Grašič), Italy (Concetta Fonzo), Finland (Anni Kartunen) and last but not least the contribution by Koen Bois d´Enghien (the European Commission) about EU level peer reviews of quality assurance.
Video presentations (in English) as well as the whole conference are available on the YouTube channel of the European Vocational Skills Week (in Slovakia).

The conference was held by EQAVET NRP in Slovakia, the State Vocational Education Institute, under the Erasmus + project EQAVET – European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points (project number): 609305-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA3-EQAVET-NRP

Post Author: admin

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