The Chamber of Labour for Salzburg (AK) is the legal representation of the interests of employees in Salzburg. Every region in Austria has its own AK. The nine AKs together form the Federal Chamber of Labour for Austria. In cooperation with the Austrian Trade Union (ÖGB), it represents the interests of more than three million employees (in Salzburg 260.000). The Chamber of Labour is part of the Social Partnership, a forum where the interests of the government, employers and employees are negotiated and balanced. In the last six decades, this institution has considerably contributed to social peace, inclusion and economic stability in Austria.
The Chamber of Labour for Salzburg has a staff of about 200 employees. The department for education, youth and culture is responsible for the implementation of educational policy of the AK and for cooperation with other organizations concerning education and vocational training.
The Chamber of Labour is charged by law to promote the interests of employees and workers who are all its members. Here, education, vocational training and labour market are very important pillars. The Chamber of Labour of Salzburg (in cooperation with the other regional AKs and the Federal Chamber of Labour) monitors the development and quality of education, vocational training and labour market. As AK Salzburg we run a vocational training institute, BFI Salzburg, with about 10.000 participants in vocational training, second chance courses and courses for the local labour office. In addition the AK Salzburg together with the Chamber of Commerce for Salzburg run a vocational training centre for technical professions and the University for Applied Studies of Salzburg.
AK Salzburg offers guidance for employees, workers and students and cooperates within the local network of career and educational guidance.
Moreover, the AK Salzburg works intensively with the recognition of non-formally and informally acquired competencies. Since 2012 is the AK Salzburg responsible for the project “Du kannst was” in Salzburg. It has succeeded in getting all relevant stakeholder in a project partnership. Every year between 50 and 70 candidates can obtain the apprenticeship certificate by this method of recognition of competence. The engineering certification is also located at the BFI. The School for Nursing at AK, located at the BFI, are involved in the establishment of a validation procedure for nursing professions at present.
Contact persons:
Sabine Stadler: Sabine.Stadler@ak-salzburg.at
Corrina Zafaurek: corrina.zafaurek@ak-salzburg.at