State Vocational Education Institute (ŠIOV) is an agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic in charge of vocational education and training and adult learning in Slovakia (methodological, pedagogical and coordination tasks). The Institute is the national guarantor of vocational education and training (VET) throughout the network of secondary vocational schools in the Slovak Republic and administrator of the National Qualifications database.
The Institute is a contact point for the EU initiates related to VET and adult education:
– Referent (European network of reference and expertise),
– European Qualifications Framework,
– EQAVET (European Reference Framework for Quality Assurance in VET),
– National EUROPASS Centre,
– National Coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult learning,
ŠIOV has extensive experiences in implementation of EU-funded projects, including large-scale ESF-funded national projects, Erasmus+, EaSI Programme, etc.
Staff members of the Institute sit in various national and international bodies, e.g. Advisory Groups of the EC for the European Qualifications Framework and Europass, various working groups established by the European Commission and other institutions. ŠIOV is a member of the Slovak Adult Learning Institutions´ Association, European Basic Skills Network (EBSN), European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), EUROPEN – European Practise Enterprises Network and it coordinates the national teams for Euroskills.
ŠIOV is the EQAVET National Reference Point since 2014.
EQAVET NRP website (in Slovak language only): https://okvalite.sk/
YouTube channel of EQAVET NRP and some other contact points of ŠIOV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWrwR3ddNY1qfD-1Iszt7Tg
Contact persons:
Ľubica Gállová: lubica.gallova@siov.sk
Barbora Jakubíková: barbora.jakubikova@siov.sk